Npc Spawn Map

oldschool npc map

The first OSRS Leagues seasonal game mode was announced in 2019: The Twisted League. The Twisted League was restricted to the Kourend & Kebos area of the game. One of the resources I developed for the Leagues discord server members was a tool that allowed the user to search an NPC and see a visual map with all of the locations of the NPC.

This project required the following:

  • Developing a Runelite plugin that dumped NPC spawns.

  • Using the plugin to access all locations in Zeah(Kourend & Kebos) to gather all of the NPC spawns.

  • Putting all of the NPC spawns into a SQL database (which is a part of my OSRS SQL Cache project)

  • Forking a pre-built OSRS map viewer and adding the ability to search NPCs and display the resulting locations.

This project was very useful throughout the Twisted League for me and all members of the Leagues discord server.

I later worked with the OSRS Wiki team to help gather the rest of the NPC spawns in all of OSRS and eventually get NPC spawns in monster & npc wiki pages.