Redline Planroom


Redline Planroom is a plancentric markup tool that integrates with the project management features of ConstructionOnline. It allows you to upload any pdf, image, or import Google Maps for marking and drawing on. There are a number of markup tools in the planroom that allow a general contractor to revise a set of plans(pdf pages) for an architect, lay out Punch Lists for a subcontractor, or visualize the Change Orders for their clients and much more.


  • A very large toolset ranging from basic shapes such as rectangles and ellipses all the way to Bezier curves and custom SVG stamps.

  • A plancentric design that allows you to add, edit, and delete features from ConstructionOnline's project tracking, financial, communication, and calendar/scheduling features.

  • 12 features in ConstructionOnline are able to be pinned directly onto Redline sheets.

  • The ability to customize all available tools with various properties(stroke color, stroke width, fill color, fill opacity, etc..).

  • A layer system similar to Photoshop layers for grouping, ordering, or hiding shapes.

  • The ability to print, share, download, etc.. the sheet.

  • OCR scanning for automatic sheet number, name, and callout population.

My role

I began development of Redline Planroom in 2016. My job was to implement design changes, new features, enhancements, client requests, etc.. as well as maintain the software to the fullest. I worked closely with a designer to ensure that Redline Planroom always appeared and behaved to the highest of standards. Below is an example of a mockup for a new toolbar & topbar in Redline Planroom.

After implementing a design such as the one above, it was then my job to ensure that every testing case was covered and worked closely with a dedicated quality assurance member to ensure that client satisfaction was guaranteed.


  • Redline Planroom's markup rendering and interaction is built off of SVG.js.

  • PDF loading and rendering is handled through Mozzilla's PDF.js.

  • PIXI.js for sheet revision image to image comparison to display the visual differences in uploaded pdf revisions.

  • Sheet number, name and callout scanning was handled through both PDF.js & Tesseract OCR.

  • Sheet printing & exporting is handled through an image server process which uses SVG.Net to produce fully rendered versions of the pdf & it's svg elements.

  • UI elements and user interaction are provided by jQuery & Materialize.

  • Redline Planroom is integrated with COL's re-usable components and can successfully load and render features & modals that COL offers, while also being a standalone product.